Why and when do we go for a Tarot reading?

Tarot Reading Timing - Tarot Zamm

Why and when do we go for a Tarot reading?

Why go for a Tarot reading? To have our burning questions answered, gain insight, explore the possibilities we can make good use of, closure & some reassurance.

Tarot Reading Duration - Tarot Zamm

How long should my TAROT reading be? How often should I have my cards read?

Suggested Tarot reading duration and frequency. For an initial consultation, it would be best to go for at least an hour which is ample. Follow-up sessions can be shorter.


‘Intuition’ by Zamm Zamudio

Why do we need to understand the inner workings of Intuition? Because intuition serves as a compass in decision-making, guiding us through uncertainty and facilitating successful adaptation to change. It empowers us to make informed choices, aligning our actions with our deepest aspirations and values.

The World of Tarot - Tarot Zamm


Delving into the centuries-old world of tarot – a rising practice in unclear times Here ...

Tarot Zamm - Twin flame - feminine and masculine energies

Twin Flame and Soul Mates

Have you ever felt or have you always believed that somewhere out there is this one person who is meant for you. And in time, you two will meet and spend the rest of your life together? This is the simplest way we can relate to the innate knowing that our other half exists.

Tarot Zamm - Karmic soulmates an codependent relationships

Karmic Soul Mates and Codependent Relationships

Karmic soul mates are not confined to romantic relationships but could also present themselves within the family, friends or sometimes, even strangers. Their purpose, oftentimes unbeknownst to them, is to teach us significant lessons that have a great bearing to our long term karmic development.